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Customs & Duty

Japan Customs

The Japan Customs official page is your most trustworthy source to answer any questions or queries related to Japanese customs and duty.

When you enter Japan, you are requested to hand in a Customs Declaration form for both your personal effects and unaccompanied baggage at the Customs Clearance. Customs Declaration forms are available on the plane, the ship or at the airport Customs Inspection Area. You may also use e-filing via web page or QR code. Further procedures of passenger clearance may also be necessary, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the all the necessary information.

As in many other countries, restrictions are placed on duty-free allowances , therefore make sure you are aware of the limits. Similar restrictions are also placed on exports and imports . CITES(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and Japanese Law both prohibit international trade in ivory.

Ban on meat/meat products and plants/plant products

Bringing meat, meat products, plants and plant products into Japan is strictly prohibited.

In order to prevent the incursion of infectious animal diseases and harmful plant pests, importing meat, plants and products thereof in to Japan is restricted by Japanese domestic law(Act on Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control and the Plant Protection Act).

If you illegally import meat, meat products, plants and plant products into Japan, you will be charged with a fine of up to 3 million JPY (up to 50 million JPY for business entities) or face imprisonment of up to 3 years.

Please refer to the publicity materials or the website of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Animal Quarantine / Plant Quarantine) for further details.

Visit Japan Web

Visit Japan Web is an online service for those entering or returning to Japan.

This service allows you to pre-register necessary information for arrival procedures “Immigration,” “Customs,” and “Tax-Free Shopping” online. You can generate a QR code for smoother arrival procedures when you enter Japan.

For more details, please check the official website .

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